This work presents Large Eddy Simulations of the unconfined CORIA Rouen Spray Burner, fed with liquid n-heptane and air.\nTurbulent combustion modeling is based on the Filtered TAbulated Chemistry model for LES (F-TACLES) formalism, designed to\ncapture the propagation speed of turbulent stratified flames. Initially dedicated to gaseous combustion, the filtered flamelet model\nis challenged for the first time in a turbulent spray flame configuration. Two meshes are employed. The finest grid, where both\nflame thickness and wrinkling are resolved, aims to challenge the chemistry tabulation procedure. At the opposite the coarse mesh\ndoes not allow full resolution of the flame thickness and exhibits significant unresolved contributions of subgrid scale flame\nwrinkling. Both LES solutions are extensively compared against experimental data. For both nonreacting and reacting conditions,\nthe flow and spray aerodynamical properties are well captured by the two simulations. More interesting, the LES predicts\naccurately the flame lift-off height for both fine and coarse grid conditions. It confirms that the modeling methodology is able to\ncapture the filtered turbulent flame propagation speed in a two-phase flow environment and within grid conditions representative\nof practical applications. Differences, observed for the droplet temperature, seem related to the evaporation model assumptions.